Weddings in India – Choora, Chooda, Mehendi, and Chooda

Choora ceremony
Choora ceremony

In the Choora ceremony, the bride wears a garland of bangles called maangtika. The bangles are typically red and ivory in color and are set in multiples of four. A nath and a kamarbandh are also worn by the bride. The bride wears Kalire, or gold or silver ornaments with multiple dangling strands, which are tied around her wrists by her sister-in-law.


During the chola ceremony, the bride-to-be wears a special bangle set called chooda. These bangles are traditionally red, white, and ivory, but they are now usually made of plastic. They are said to bring the new couple good luck. In South Asia, the colour red is associated with fertility and prosperity, and the bangles are worn for up to 1.5 years.

Choorae are traditionally given by the bride’s maternal uncle and aunt on the morning of the wedding. The bride is expected to wear the bangles for the first 40 days of their marriage. The bride’s choorae are usually red, and they symbolize good luck and prosperity for the new couple. The bangles are also accompanied by Jaggos, pots that have lights in them.


The Choora ceremony involves the bride’s friends, unmarried and married, shaking hands on their heads, and allowing them to sit on their knees. They are then presumed to be the brides and will get married. The kalires come in different shapes and sizes. The tradition is common in many households in northern India. It’s also quite in vogue among newlyweds, who usually wear them as a fashion statement.

Choora ceremony kalires come in a variety of designs. Some are simple and made of gold or silver leaves, while others are more ornate. Some are decorated with pearls, stones, or diamonds. Choose the type of kalire that fits the theme of your wedding.


The Chooda ceremony is an important tradition in Indian weddings. The ceremony is held before the wedding ceremony to protect the bride and her family from evil spirits. The bride is not allowed to see the Chooda before the wedding, and is forced to sit in silence for the duration of the ritual. The bride’s family members tie a sacred string, known as the gang, to her Chooda. This string is supposed to protect the bride and her family from bad spirits, and the husband then opens the gang, and the couple is married.

Kalire is another important tradition in Indian weddings. It is a golden hanging tied around the bride’s neck and wrists. It symbolizes the everlasting bond between the couple and is traditionally tied by the bride’s sisters and family. The hangings are decorated with stones and motifs.


A Mehendi ceremony is held before the bride’s wedding. This traditional Hindu ceremony involves the application of Mehendi on the bride’s hands and feet. It is traditionally performed by the future mother-in-law. The bride and groom wear clothes that have been handed down to them from their parents or in-laws. The bride also feeds the male family members with rice. She also throws puffed rice when leaving her home, symbolizing blessings and prosperity for her new family. The groom’s mother welcomes the newlyweds with oil and water from the lota.

The bride and groom’s family and friends get together at this special time to bless them. They also wish the bride and groom well for a long and happy marriage life. This ritual is filled with many interesting traditions.

Jaggo night

The Jaggo night at Choora ceremony is an elaborate affair that brings the whole family together in celebration. It is a tradition that dates back to the days before the advent of wedding invitations. Before this, families would leave vessels of light all over town as an open invitation. These vessels were later filled with mustard oil. As a result, the Jaggo ceremony is a noisy merry night.

The Jaggo night takes place the night before the wedding and lasts all night. The bride and groom’s families would stay up all night to perform this ritual. Guests would join them and enjoy music and dance. This traditional event is accompanied by the singing of “jaago” – Punjabi for “wake-up”.


The choora ceremony has a long history. In the olden days, the bride wore her choora for quite a while after the mehndi had worn off. It was considered a symbol of her newlywed status and was a way of marking her transition to married life. Today, however, this tradition is less common.

The ceremony begins with the priest performing the ardas, followed by the formal introduction of the male players in the family. Afterwards, the eldest Chachas of the two families exchange garlands of flowers and money, and the ladies exchange garlands of flowers and money. The bride and groom then place a heavy garland of flowers on each other to signify their acceptance of marriage. The bride’s family will then place the ring on the boy’s finger and the groom’s family will gift the bride with gifts.


The Choora ceremony is performed before the wedding ceremony. This tradition involves the groom and the bride’s parents and relatives. It is a ritual that emphasizes the role of the eldest maternal aunt or uncle. The bride’s parents and relatives sit on the floor and cover their heads. In some families, the bride is draped in an heirloom chunni.

A typical Choora ceremony involves gifts to the bride from her mother-in-law. The mother-in-law of the bride will give her jewelry from her family. In addition, the bride will receive a tiny dot of henna on her hand as a sign of auspiciousness. In addition to gifts to the bride, there are several other traditions surrounding the Choora ceremony.